Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Touch me! TOUCH ME!

How much touch is comfortable with you? With family? With friends? With strangers?

Touch me! TOUCH ME!

My biological family is perhaps the only group of people who I do not want to be touched by, besides the odd stranger who gives me a bad vibe or the even rarer person I dislike enough to want to keep at least 5 feet from me. I am a social creature and naturally reach out and put a hand on a shoulder or give a hug good bye. I thrive under human contact and blossom into quite the social butterfly when presented with an equally touchy person.

The only thing I can not stand is when people touch my face. I've never liked people touching my face. Its always been aggravating and uncomfortable for me. I can only think of a handful of instances when I willingly allowed someone to brush the hair out of my eyes or touch my cheek. I can think of only two people who I've ever enjoyed doing it.

James and the woman who was talking to me about Reiki.

James touches my face and I lean into his fingers eagerly. His touch is both a comfort and a burning taunt/call to action. He warms me from head toe and makes me think, simultaneously, of hot, steamy nights in bed ... or .. on the floor ;-D, and laying in bed with my head on his chest and his heart beating against my ear. He does not calm me, but instead incites emotion in me. Deep, never-ending love.

The woman ( bless me, I can't remember her name!) who was talking to me about Reiki at PUD reached out and brushed my bangs from my eyes and I just smiled and continued to listen. It was like sitting at the feet of my mother (not my real mother...what I think it would feel like) and listening to her tell me a story. She was the most comforting person I'd ever met and I longed to sit and talk with her more but she was very busy and I'd already taken up so much of her time. She subdued me so completely I don't think I'll ever approach her again. It felt like my warrior spirit had been tamed if only for a moment. She could have asked me to jump through a flaming hoop and into a pool full of man eating, hungry shark-monsters and I'd have laughed gleefully and done so. Very unnerving!

As for the general strangers? I hesitate at first but once I've gotten a good idea of who they are about I often scare them away because I'll brush my hand on their shoulder or stand a little to close. I have a hard time with people who have such strict bounties. I enjoy affection, even the baseless affection of a would be friend.

My biological family has always treated me poorly so I can't imagine touching them for the most part. My mother gets hugs here and there and I put my hand on my Papa's shoulder now and then but I am not close with them and feel a distance between us that can't seem to be breached even as we sit in the same room.

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